Top Twitter Bio Ideas that make you Outstanding and Enticing to Follow

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What does your twitter bio say about you? Are you are a sports analyst? Does it say you hate politics? Well, your bio is often the first thing people look at before deciding if they can follow you. If it is vague or complicated to understand, you will forever struggle o capture anyone’s attention on twitter? And if you can’t attract any followers, your posts will never get many twitter likes.

Again, twitter gives you only 160 characters for your bio. Make every single of one of them count therefore, and have a mix of both personal and professional keywords. Note however that your bio doesn’t have to look perfect the first time you write it. Don’t include any clichés though, not even the words “Marketing guru.” They are cute to use in certain occasions, but not for your bio. And if you have any noteworthy achievements or awards in your life, include them in your bio. That’s already a tactic to boost your twitter likes in future.